European elections | Together for a strong Europe
Lemgo, 05 June, 2024
The family-owned Brasseler company has always been committed to the community – locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
We firmly believe that democracy, freedom and equality are essential prerequisites for our prosperity. We therefore urge all citizens to make use of their democratic right to vote and to take part in the European elections on June 9.
A high voter turnout rate will strengthen our community: every vote counts.
At the invitation of the Lippische Gesellschaft für Politik und Zeitgeschehen, Björn Hartmann took part in a “Europe Action Day” in Lemgo on May 29. The event was mainly aimed at young people. In order to highlight the importance of the European elections for industrial companies, Björn Hartmann and other speakers, including the long-standing Member of the European Parliament Elmar Brok and the Mayor of Lemgo, Markus Baier, engaged in a lively discussion with the guests.
Brasseler’s management and the Chairman of the Works Council personally addressed the Brasseler workforce with a video message yesterday.

„Together with the Works Council, we would like to urge our employees to vote. It’s about our future. A united, democratic Europe is extremely important for our company“, says Stephan Köhler.
In the video, Managing Director Klaus Rübesamen and Works Council Chairman Andreas Althoff explain the importance of the European Economic Area for the Brasseler company and what consequences we would have to expect if Germany were to leave the European Union – on the labour market, the healthcare system, personal living costs and leisure activities. Klaus Rübesamen concludes with a clear message: “Please take part in the election and vote for a democratic, EU-friendly party. Do it for yourself, for your children and grandchildren.”
Press contact
Laura Fuchs
Corporate communication
Phone +49 (0) 151 54087468